Training manikins For Sale

How Much Does Training manikin Cost?
The Current Price Range Based on 5 Vendors on Bimedis. It’s Costs Starts Approximately at 273 and ends at the Highest Price 9288. The Average Price for Training manikin - 3377 based on 11 product listings in this category.

Various training manikins, for CPR training, trauma rescue, defibrillation and other patient treatment skills, tasks and techniques

These manikins are used for teaching various treatment techniques. Adult, child, and infant models are available.

Tips for Buying a Training Manikin

1. Buyers should consider the initial cost of training manikins well as ongoing costs, such as: replacement parts, disposable airbags and face shields.

2. The level and objectives of the training program determine the features needed in a CPR training manikin.

3. Suppliers offer the following features and training manikin options: torso or full body model: can be weighted to simulate the average weight of an adult, child, or infant; a foldout design that allows for easy transport and storage; can be used in water for water rescue training; adult manikin can be converted to a child simulator; upgraded capabilities to provide defibrillation and arrhythmia in cognition training.

4. It should be easy to assemble and disassemble these training manikin units, as well as to clean and disinfect them according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

5. Replacement parts should be easy to obtain and reposition.